Clash royale rigged matchmaking. Answer (1 of 19): It totally is rigged. Clash royale rigged matchmaking

<s>Answer (1 of 19): It totally is rigged</s>Clash royale rigged matchmaking

Challenges matchmaking could be rigged. That is all. "Rigged matchmaking" is the term that us folks in r/ClashRoyale use to describe when matchmaking is totally unfair and generally matches you against someone against whom you don't even stand a chance, or also against people with direct counters to your deck Lava Hound/Golem/Giant -> Inferno Tower/Sparky. It is not. Just a warning, some people may shit on you for claiming rigged matchmaking. . On top of that, there is incentive for supercell to rig matchmaking by some extent to play off your brains reward system and keep you coming back. if you switch between decks you will lose more because it is lower level, you're likely not as good with all of your decks, and hard counters are hard counters. ago. Then I don't uderstand this: why 2 wars are the proof that matchmaking is rigged? You wrote "just don't get how randomness works", but 2 wars aren't so representative. In my opinion the game itself is broken and trophies are semi meaningless. It's all their heads when they lose. Then background refresh the app and start all over again. My trophies are in the range. Supercell claims that matchmaking is based off trophies and random, but anyone who has played the game for an extensive period of time has experienced something much different. Most likely, yes. Now think of how much easier it would be to win against people 200, 300, even 600 trophies below you. I got logbait 4 times and splash yard 3 times in 10 wins and 3 losses. Your matchmaking system is rigged and unfair, designed to never let players win so they will pay. It has been proven over and over that it is not. Let's analyze their arguments. 6(go hate all you want). You win some or lose some. No matter what deck i play, i get paired against counter decks, and not…Secondly, for everyone that is hard-countered by a deck, the opponent has a matchup advantage, so is is impossible for matchmaking to be rigged against everyone. TLDR: Supercell admitted that matchmaking is rigged. Rigged matchmaking has been disproven. 726K subscribers in the ClashRoyale community. It's a bit better on my main since the matchmaking rework 2 months ago, before that it was constantly waiting 2 minutes to find a match and top #3k players. if you lost back to back, take a break or you’ll end up titling. This game has been matching me people with lvl 13 or 14 cards and have way better cards than me. Press J to jump to the feed. I played 4 hard counters in a row and then switched decks. In conclusion, Clash Royale players have mixed opinions on whether the matchmaking system is rigged. Your logic gets blown out with a few more variables added. I know there are countless posts about people saying it's rigged and people saying matchmaking isn't rigged but I've played a ton of games and can assure you that matchmaking is rigged. It is that simple. Clash royale is rigged, here’s why. There is no reason to rig matchmaking. The games matchmaking has been rigged forever. After playing Clash Royale since the Global Launch, I have noticed that has really helped me stay off losing streaks and also let me cool down. . Whenever I use MK, my opponent has either MK, Pekka, or Inferno. I know you will say that meta decks can have same cards and there is a highly chance that I will face meta decks again because they are popular, but if I am playing in a trophy range that most of the matches are meta decks. Hard counters are just random. Some believe that facing tough opponents is part of the game, while others feel that the system is biased towards making them spend money. Rather alarming that in a Supercell/Clash Royale subreddit, only 58% of pollsters don't believed fixed matchmaking, meaning 42% believe it is true. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcutsMatchmaking is rigged has been a very common sentiment among many people, Here's some detailed studies done by other top posters to help you reach the conclusion As I have been in the sub for almost year and a half,I have consistently seen people claiming matchmaking is rigged but then provide no source for their claim. Good day to you all. matchmaking rigged? in my last 20win attempt i decided to stop messing with new decks and go to my main deck which is 2. That's why everybody falls around 50-60%. In todays clash royale video we see one of the craziest starts to a round ive ever had! You tell me, is clash royale rigged?! Thanks so much for watching and. Sounds line Plato trying to describe clash royale. Before they make ladder ‘easier’ at face value they need to change an underlying issue. Many think developer Supercell has rigged the matchmaking to force players against opponents who have perfect counters. That's why everybody falls around 50-60%. I personally don't think you have rigged matchmaking. level up one deck, the best way to consistently win is to have an above average deck that you know well. On 5000 trophies to 6000 trophies and above this game is unplayable annoying stupid and frustrating because every single match is rigged in someones favor and im not talking about “oh im lvl 8 and my opponent is lvl 13” im talking about every deck that i use i get an opponent that has a hard counter for my deck OR i. If matchmaking is rigged, it is also rigged for u as well as against u, therefore it is not rigged. Matchmaking isn't rigged as stated many times below in this thread. Dang 50k games played. Now, they got proof. Broken Podcast, Is Matchaking Rigged? | CWA Clash RoyaleSubscribe to Me: This Mega Knight Deck Isn't Fair, votes, 25 comments. I will explain why it. Clash Royale MMO Strategy video game Mobile game Gaming comments sorted by Best Top New Controversial Q&A Add a Comment elbowsout Musketeer • Additional comment actions. . There was one study of. The most desperate update this game needs is crossplay matchmaking. There are far too many cards. PUBLISHED July 18, 2023. Rigging match making and facing level 1! You can farm crowns and finish challenges using this method. CR Ladder Matchmaking Is SCRIPTED. That means Supercell randomly picks favorites and/or arbitrarily awards good matchups to some and bad to others. If you have 9 level cards and get 11 level opponent, it will push you in spend money to upgrade your cards to level 11, because you think you will have equal matches. Never been proven to be rigged. Clash Royale MMO Strategy video game Mobile game Gaming comments sorted by Best Top New Controversial Q&A Add a Comment lofon_liesks_reddets •tl;dr Using calculations based on use rates, win rates, and empirical data from battle log and TV Royale, we conclude that matchmaking in Clash Royale is NOT rigged to find decks that counter your favorite card. I don't want the game to give me a pattern where I get 2-5 wins and then I get matched up with…It isn't a problem, it is a defined feature. . It is not rigged. Mostly because it's been posted about multiple times and people get annoyed with repeated. Clash Royale MMO Strategy video game Mobile game Gaming . So, there you have it. Cards decks and card levels are not part of matchmaking at all. Confirmation bias and lack of concrete evidence further complicate the discussion. The matchmaking is rigged to favor players who lost with players who also lost, and consequently favors matchup where players won their last match. BreadStix42 · 11/25/2020 in General. People have tracked their games for hundreds of times and proved it was not rigged. u remember. Another end game content that hoyoverse can implement - 4/8 players coop boss dungeons (Similar to dragon nest. r/ClashRoyale • Slash Royale, Level 15, and Upgrades without Gold - Clash Royale 2023 Q2 Update PreviewMM isn't rigged, I agree. Clash Royale claims it's random but is not at all. And why "There is NO WAY this is the result of random matchmaking"? I don't understand the logic behind this last. Keep deleting my post to hide the truth. If I was SC, I'd pay this man for shutting down any kind of criticism and defending the game as their life depended on it. For this investigation, I wanted to show whether or not the cards in player A's deck have an effect on the cards in player B's deck. Truth About Matchmaking, Rigged? | CWA Mobile GamingSubscribe to Me: Next, Surgical Goblin 2. I's sorry if your megaknight ebarbs wizard push gets destroyed by three skeletons and an inferno tower, but thats not rigged matchmaking. I feel bad for the people who tried to expose Clash Royale only to get laughed at. 15. Clash Royale is rigged. TLDR: Supercell admitted that matchmaking is rigged. Clash Royale is Rigged?! (Proof)On my Twitch stream, I was playing Clash Royale ladder. A more talented and financially secure person can apply to Clash Royale as well. Matchmaking ISN'T RIGGED but matchmaking IS FIXED. Give them some good karma, will ya? Reddit – Rigged matchmaking on ladder - A detailed statistical proof Quora – Is the matchmaking system of the game Clash Royale rigged? Reddit – rigged matchmakingAnyone who believes that matchmaking is not rigged to destroy a winning streak is either an amateur or simply doesn't have the mental faculties to see obvious patterns. While Supercell, the developer of the game will never admit it, Clash Royale Matchmaking is considered to be rigged by the majority of the community. Rage. ALL supercell games are scams, DO NOT BUY ANYTHING. the more you lose, the more tilted you get. If you have all seven of these cards, put them into a deck and watch your opponents' crown towers crumble. I'm lvl 11 crown tower but I'm always matched to a level 12-13 crown tower with multiple max level cards and the rest are always The Royale Pass players who at even being at level 10 defeat me. Clash Royale by far has the most insidious, anti-competitive, dishonest matchmaking algorithm of any game out there. Your push will consist of waiting until you have 9 Elixir, dropping the PEKKA at the back of the arena and dropping the Witch behind it. You definitely have Fireball. The original poster noticed a pattern where they would go on winning streaks followed by a sudden losing streak, prompting them to change their deck. Matchmaking is NOT rigged, but you remember getting hard countered much better than you remember hard countering. Like dang this man here dedicated his whole account to Clash Royale and defending it's reputation. As stated by CWA who is a reputable content creator: For people to complain about matchmaking being rigged AGAINST them, and FOR others, is silly. Proved over and over. The only things taken into account in matchmaking is trophies, KT level below 6k trophies and winning/losing streaks. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcutsPress J to jump to the feed. The feeling of pushing is artificial in that ladder is Scripted for those unfamiliar with the term it means ladder is rigged. Think of how you normally win when matched against opponent 100-150 trophies below you. Clash Royale players have been discussing the game’s matchmaking system on Reddit. Explaining the matchmaking. When I lose a match, I often exit the game, let my emotions simmer and get out of the matchmaking system. (Im level 10), so its 100% rigged. Is Clash Royale matchmaking rigged? No, Clash Royale. Also, clash royale matched me up with mainly level 8s and 9s in my first few matches. Answer (1 of 19): It totally is rigged. It cannot actually be proven or disproven whether Clash Royale is rigged, there are logical arguments for why it may and may not be rigged, so everyone can believe whatever they want, which they no doubt will anyway. Everyone talking about matchmaking rigged, i have an answer. The algorithm to do this consistently would be overwhelming. They don't want you to win too much or lose too much; that's why they look at your streaks. If you want to enjoy the game I’d stick to challenge mode. 8. I just want to play random players based on trophies. Minion Horde. Some users believe that the game intentionally matches players with. I think this is to encourage me to continue playing Reply. A player can be more skilled and spend more money on the game, thus creating an advantage over their opponent. But, when you spent money to get level 11 cards, it will send you 13 level opponents to push you to spend even more money. 75. ) One thing that can further improve on dragon nest type dungeon is to limit the dmg dealt to mobs. People think matchmaking is rigged because they only notice bad matchups. so matchmaking cannot b rigged. Rather alarming that in a Supercell/Clash Royale subreddit, only 56% of pollsters don't believed fixed matchmaking, meaning 44% believe it is true. The. Some people want it to have level caps and that’s a bad idea as it would be exploited. I switched decks every two games for 30 games straight and this is what I experienced. Matching is based on your card levels (your highest and. ur triggered. Matchmaking is pretty fucked up after the wild card update, I'm F2P and I don't have 10 hours a day to grind clash royale, so my cards are lower than people with level 14 and 13 cards, even though its easy to get cards now, it still pressures you to spend money on packages or pass royale in order to grow faster, otherwise your cards will be. Naturally, I wasn't even conscious of the fact that I actually hard-countered most of those opponents - all I knew was that ladder matchmaking still felt rigged because of those first four matches, and that I must've pulled through the rest of my matches with my own skill. There is nothing wrong with matchmaking. The variation we see on the decks more players are using suggests that rigged matchmaking is. Ladder: Supercell has confirmed that when a player loses three or more games in a row on ladder, they are placed in a. BY James O'Neil. • 7 mo. You definitely have Musketeer. Subreddit for all things Clash Royale, the free mobile strategy game from…Matchmaking rigged 🤨. Idk why there are so many people that confidently say it’s not. Its a skill issue. I have been playing clash royale for now for more than 4 years. Didn't clash royale fixed the matchmaking in the last update? This is my second account with card levels max 9, and yet I end up in this kind of matchmaking during clan wars or events, how is this a fair gameplay? Fix your game team royale 🙏🏻 . For example, someone hard counters u. It’s super slow and according to some users it takes 3-10 years to max a deck, but the problem here is that some users get confused with the difference between progression and matchmaking. These guys at Supercell don't care how much they destroy. Take a look at his profile and just TRY to find anything that isn't Clash Royale. Ladder:. I see many players posting about matchmaking and overleveled opponents. I would like supercell to admit their Grand Champion matchmaking is rigged. hmmmm we have a paradox. ALL POSTS. However this is an internal advantage is based on a player's attributes while changing. After checking your. After swit. 3 Cycle Deck, my main account I get paired with ranked player a lot of times, on my mini I end up against lvl 12-13 when I have lvl 10 cards. I honestly want clash royale to develop a better match making according to a player's crown towers and not according to their trophies . If I were designed a rigged matchmaking system, I would make sure it worked for the deck the majority of players used. They don't want you to win too much or lose too much; that's why they look at your streaks. I once got paired up with a Lvl10 guy with. It shouldn't be more than 10 millions. If this "featuure" of matchmaking was not in place, players would at most only fall about 200 trophies from their personal best. It’s not rigged. Matchmaking ISN'T RIGGED but matchmaking IS FIXED. After investigating the trophy win/loss algorithm, I decided to look into if there is any truth to the rigged matchmaking theory by using the official Clash Royale API. I only have lvl 9-11 cards and I don’t understand why they keep matching me with this stupid rigged matchmaking. The game has also been matching me with CONSTANT lvl 11s and I’m only lvl 10. If win streak > 10 & play session > 40min = A Else If win streak > 4 & play session. A month ago Clash Royale released an update where the app digs deep into your file system and reads files all the way to the core of your device. Supercell can deny it all they like the facts speak for themselves. People like you who insist matchmaking is rigged are emotionally looking for an answer for their losses, not seeking some factual resolution. Clash Royale players are divided over whether matchmaking is rigged to force them to spend money. After playing this game for 6 years, the degree of randomness in clash definitely varies depending on the day. In my opinion matchmaking is rigged when I always lose against a certain cards those cards appear to me in the next match. Cards and decks do not matter Below 6000 trophies and king level Above 6000 trophies. But hey, I know why they still won't pay you. Reply .